Tuesday, January 27, 2009

2010 Illinois Drivers License Template

THANKS ..........

Our expectation was supported by Annamaria and given, and the arrival of little Matilde was celebrated with streamers, pink balloons and white, hearts and flowers hanging in your house, including the taps in the bathroom. We are grateful to have people so dear and close to the sensitive little Matilda.

Monday, January 26, 2009

How Much Does A Dialysis Technicians Make?

ARRIVAL ......

Our arrival was cheered by surprise to see Teresa at 07.00 to the Milano Centrale railway station, wanted to be the first to welcome us and then cuddling the little Matilda. We were together on the way to Mestre. In order to train ci aspettavano i nonni e gli zii, Tonina e Antonio, venuti da lontano. A casa ci aspettavano la nonna con gli altri zii, cuginetti e vicini di casa, ci hanno accolto con tanto calore e un bellissimo cartellone di benvenuto, dedicato a Matilde, con scritte le frasi dolcissime della canzone " PER TE" di JOVANNOTTI.