Thursday, November 29, 2007

Volleyball Camps Michigan


chau all :-) I introduce myself, my name is Emma, \u200b\u200bI'm 24 and graduated in real life and I specialized in design. To follow a master expensive and difficult but that gives me great satisfaction to live and work in a small web agency creating graphical user interfaces.
As you can see I love the graphics and design (passions that I'm devoting my life) absolutely and here at Second Life is a builder (or at least I try). They landed in the metaverse
this summer (exact 6/16/2007) and I have done a lot of things. Initially I saved up some money doing any type of work and as soon as I could (after two months of study to ' Ivory ) I am dedicated to my passion which is precisely to build. The road is long, but like all great heroes (or rather megalomaniac-_-) I placed a great goal, to become the best builder in SL. I believe the universe Linden
a possible future of the Web, not to replace modern browsers but at least assist them in three-dimensional representations and that is why I have invested much time and effort in this virtual world.
I hope you enjoy reading my "heroic" undertaking or rather, my legendary disasters. Here
write everything about me and SL and I will show, gradually realized that my works.
Any comments, suggestions or comments is welcome, indeed it please, help me to improve
Hello :-):-D and good second life at all!

The work will give your food to every kind soul and melancholy. Hours will be moved one or the other feeling and see what each brings to the heart. A cry and laugh are still willing. For the enthusiasm they still have respect. Nothing is good to those who are mature but will always be grateful to those who still are looking for.

Goethe's Faust (the discourse of the Comedian)


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