Saturday, March 27, 2010

Weebly Comments On Hearing Aid

many friends, so many names and many faces
often the same names and different people, often these
I end friendships,
same names, same dynamics, but
different emotions .... When

friendship ends is not as one would imagine
feelings, emotions, memories,
nothing is erased with a sponge, all we have left in
is a bit 'when it ends as a love we can
star hurt, angry
we can, we can tear up photos, but photos
soul, those
nobody can ever erase the moments passed, the memories, those
nobody will ever take away, but there is a difference

who was your love, you can still manage to hate, or at least you can try
who was your friend
not ever hate you ... ...
for all that you shared
and for all those who've been through,
a part of him will always live inside you,
because it is thanks to him that what you are

and to become what we want ....


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